Alligator Time

On my thirty-eighth birthday

I walked through an everglades preserve

On planks over mud and the most plants atop one another I have ever seen

Curtains of moss swung everywhere

I said hello to quite a few fellow gawkers

All of us most eager to see that fierce beast, the alligator

Next I passed a wide open marsh where a dozen types of birds swopped, sat, made their various sounds

I passed three types of bright orange and yellow butterflies

Showing off their fine outfits against green leaf backdrops

Unsatisfied, I went down to the fishing pier

How exciting it was!

A half dozen people stared at something in the black water.

There it was; an alligator!

Our movie star casually floating

He laid vertically, massive head a buoy

Looking like any log

I watched for twenty minutes,

Making friends with a horse dentist

And a naturalist photographer

Then the alligator’s giant taught jaw and half-globe eyes disappeared

Into the photo chemical canal

Before he processed as an indistinct blur of two lighter lines and two crescents

I don’t know how long I waited for his return to surface clarity

It was a half hour, or maybe close to two?

I lost myself in alligator time, expansive outdoor time

I chatted with my new friends

Had the privilege to reveal the alligator to a half dozen more viewers

Who wouldn’t recognize him if he weren’t shown

We were all expecting high drama

Speed and vicious power

But maybe the power is in all the hours of alligator time

Floating still, hidden until the ideal moment of action

Blending, lounging inactivity

For me, the power of this day was the slow and unassuming

Slipping into alligator time

Finding smiles: finding it is enough to stand on this dock

One year older than before.

A younger alligator I saw that day.
A younger alligator I saw that day.

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